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Friday, February 25, 2011

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack

In USA Today a member of their staff   wrote an editorial, “Our view: Fannie and Freddie should fade away” dated 2/15/2011. The subject is on the Obama Administration’s plan for reforming America’s housing finance market.
They plan proposes several options, one being doing away with the government backed mortgage programs called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack which the writer agrees with. He discusses how the attempt by our government to fix this area of the economic meltdown has been unsuccessful. There are very few people that have not been affected by this financial crisis in one way or another. It is slowly damaging all areas of the country and the world by causing unemployment and foreclosures, just to name a few.
The writer’s opinion is for the slow fade out of these government programs. He believes that the programs have not worked and it would be more effective to get mortgage business into the private sector and out of the government’s hands. His article is credible because he is discussing an actual plan that the government is working on, not his interpretation of it.
I support his claim; it makes sense that our government needs to take a different approach in the housing and mortgage business. We cannot afford to ever let this problem happen again especially at the tax payers’ expense. The new road to reform is going to be tough, but if we don’t make the necessary changes now we will just end up repeating our past mistakes

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Abortion Bill Proposal

     A new Abortion bill up for consideration that would require doctors to
perform a sonogram, describe the fetus to the patient, and play fetal heart beats seems a little barbaric to me. Abortion is a big issue in our society and it does need all of our attention to come up with solutions to curb the misuse of this option. After first reading about this bill, all I could think of was just how medieval it sounded.
     The obvious reason for this bill is to try and dissuade the person from having the abortion by exposing them to the signs of the life within them. This seems to leave them with two options, keep the baby, or put the baby up for adoption. These are plausible options that have problems of their own. Most of the women/girls getting abortions today are very young, sometimes getting pregnant on their first cycle. Unfortunately, even though they are physically able to get pregnant, they are not emotionally, mentally, or financially ready to raise a child.
     Adoption is another viable option instead of abortion. It is very admirable for the women who can make this choice, realizing  they cannot give their babies the things that are necessary for a healthy, happy life. They have the insight to think of what’s best for the child and not for themselves. Not everyone facing an unwanted pregnancy has this strength or wisdom.  Most of the people having abortions today have a good idea of what they are doing and expect the physical, mental, and emotional ramifications that go along with it. I have always been Pro-Choice and a strong believer in sex education and providing resources about safe alternatives when there is an unwanted pregnancy.
     I do not believe this bill is the answer. In fact, it seems excessive and inhumane. I think the issue needs to be addressed when children of both sexes are young, including sex education and prevention. Parents, schools and churches all need to be on board with the solution to try and reduce the number of abortions performed every year through abstinence and protected sex.
     I found this article in the Austin American Statesman, it is worth reading because this is a topic that effects almost all of us. No matter what side you are on the controversy brings out a lot of emotions in all of us.