No guns on campus!
The current debate about allowing guns on college campuses or anywhere in public is pretty scary to me. I don’t have a problem with protecting your home or property with a fire arm, but I don’t think it is a good idea out in public places. I would support a higher level of a security force on our campuses verses a 18 year old or anyone having a concealed hand gun on campus. I think that the time and maturity that it takes to be able to respond correctly and safely to a threatening situation takes years and the kind of experience that you are not going to get, or want to get in a concealed hand gun class. Let’s leave the job of public security to the professionals, not your everyday citizen with a few hours of hand gun training and no psychological evaluation.
Most police officers don’t even fire their hand guns in their whole career due to the extensive training that they have and by using more diplomatic means to calming a threatening situation instead of pulling out a gun and blasting away till the situation becomes stable. We have been influenced by too many Hollywood movies were the poor victim saves the day by shooting down all the bad guys and then going on with life like nothing ever happened.
I have never been in a situation where a gun or a shooting took place, so I am not able to comment on someone’s view on that side of the debate. The people that had to be victims of some of the recent school shootings is horrific, and I truly feel for their pain and loss. Would the outcome have been different if guns were allowed on campus? My thought is probably not. In fact, in some cases there may have been more casualties. All I know is that once that bullet leaves the gun the damage cannot be undone or easily fixed or replaced. Bullets can travel very long distances’ and go through walls, so even if you were able to hit your intended target the bullet can still go on and kill an innocent bystander that you may be trying to protect.
We have millions of our solders that have come back from war suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. This seems to prove that when people are in an environment where guns and violence occur is a very traumatic experience. If we allow students, who are mostly immature, the right to carry arms it could create a hostile/unsafe environment and should be avoided at all cost.