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Friday, March 11, 2011

Pitts: Ruling shows why it's not easy being America

     I found this article  “Pitts: Ruling shows why it's not easy being American”   in the Austin American Statesman by Leonard Pitts Jr. of The Miami Herald dated Tuesday, March 8, 2011. Mr. Pitts has commented on a very sensitive subject to our nation. The importance of free speech verses the respect that our young military solders deserve after sacrificing their life for the freedom of our country.                                    
      The issue concerns the case of a church group called The Westboro Baptist Church an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities, which include picketing military funerals and desecrating the American flag. The group believes that the tolerance of homosexuality is causing the demise of our society, and the death of our soldiers is God’s revenge for homosexuality. They are just like some bratty kid trying to get attention by acting out against the golden rule of man” do unto others as you would have them do to you “.   This group picketed the 2006 funeral of a 20-year-old Marine, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, his father, Albert, sued and won a $10.9 million verdict.  I think the majority of Americans would say that this verdict was right and a fitting punishment for such an evil act. Westboro appealed the verdict to the Supreme Court and won, because they are granted the right to
express their views under the freedom of speech clause protected by the First Amendment. This editorial is written for all Americans and it shows the strength of the first Amendment and the importance of free speech whether you agree with the content of the speech or not. This is a very valid editorial because unfortunately it is true and verifiable by many other credible sources.  I think a new law should be passed that would require a one mile barrier between any military funeral and the Westboro group.              

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